
Sunday, 29 April 2012

Raining raining raining...

RAIN. Water.
It's everywhere right now. I feel like it's begining to enter the very pores of my thoughts, leaving my brain damp and pretty floppy. Well, considering I have just swum many many lengths for a sponsored swim- it's not surprising; but that aside, it does feel as if water has finally begun it's long and meticulously calculated plot to take over the world. And if not the world- then at least Monkton Combe valley. This constant and steady stream of dew, rain, puddles, mist does begin to test your morale after almost 12 days, the lack of sunshine brings up a peculiar mix of arguments, spotty faces and permanently wet or frizzy hair. But if there's one good thing about this rather depressing onslaught- it's that it's got me thinking.
Thinking about how water is lifegiving- and yet we stray from it. We groan that it's "depressing", "too miserable", it's just so dreary, when really... it keeps us alive. We take it for granted, don't we? It's a bit like shaking off our life-jacket because it's uncomfortable to wear- when you're in the middle of an ocean. It reminds me of how we treat our faith sometimes. There's a line in a great song: "these things take time" by Sanctus Real- which says:
"Why am I so afraid of the dark, but I stray from the light?"
We don't like satan, evil, 'sin', we don't like the snatches of horrible fights or cutting gossip, we don't like being stabbed in the back or lied to- yet we so often lie, gossip, do evil, argue. Why do we stray from Jesus when we're so afraid of evil? In John Jesus describes himself as the water of life-
John 4:14
"...but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”So... why do we complain about water when it's lifegiving? Why do we stray from Jesus when he is lifegiving?
Just a question to ask.
With an answer that's all too obvious really... we shouldn't. It's stupid. It's suicidal.
Who knew rain could teach me that much?

Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Room 101 and 102

What are the things you absolutely detest? Those little things that, given half the chance, you would lock up in a room forever and quite happily never have to see, or face again. This was the question I was posed with in year 11- for an English Speaking Presentation. Let's get this straight from the begining- I dread English Speaking Presentations. Ask anyone in Monkton Combe and they'll give you a stream of 'funny' (or just plain embarassing!) stories about me mucking up my words.... infront of lots of people. I have a presentation coming up actually- lets hope I don't do it again!
Anyway. Room 101. The room where anything you want can disapear... here's a list of mine:
  • Blushes
  • Raisins
  • Paper-cuts
  • Money
  • Spots
  • Flies
  • Sewing Machines that don't work
  • Out of tune guitars
  • The sound of people chewing
  • Sore throats
  • Exhaustion but not sleep
  • Showers that dribble
  • Shoes that break in five days
  • Gossiping
  • Talking during the climax of a movie.... or maybe even the begining. okay all of it!
  • Cold tea
  • Bumps (Trypophobia! It's a horrible thing.)

Do you have any rational or irrational fears like these? If so, banish them to room 101! Haha, Gina just read that and said it sounded like some sort of 'self help' thing, ha. This may sound like a list of complaints, or a good old moan- and it's not good to do this as we should celebrate the many blessings God keeps providing, even in the face of our perhaps not-so-good actions. And so, I have invented room 102! (Original I know) A room of celebration, where you would put all the lovely things you enjoy in life, for example...

  • Tea
  • Guitars and Pianos!
  • Friendships
  • Pen and paper
  • Dogs
  • Warmth
  • Lasagna
  • All the musical genius' out there (Switchfoot, Jenny and Tyler etc... :))
  • Education- an underrated priveldge in the western world :( but an amazing chance.
  • Cameras
  • Carnations
  • A good book
  • Butterflies
Are there any you would add?


Monday, 23 April 2012

The Honeymoon of my Camera

I got a new camera for my 18th birthday (I'll be posting about it soon no doubt) last thursday! Exciting! So I got a little snap happy, immediately wanting to snap up every last, fresh, vibrant moment I could see within my garden or the views around it. So here's a little stream of pictures to entertain, provoke thought, or make you smile...

A little abstract I know...:)
Sweet little Archie!

Friday, 20 April 2012

Gluten Free Bread

There isn't much better than warm, homemade and gluten-free bread on a sunny weekend :) At least that's what I felt when I was crunching on my marmalade toast! And a cup of tea of course. And the beautiful thing is, it's just so easy to make. Something crazy like: 500g of flour/ 1 sachet of yeast/ 1tsp salt/ 1 tsp sugar/ 2tbsp vegetable oil and 500 ml warm water! Give it a go, you won't regret it! Obviously, the skill is needing and creating the perfect dough- but I have to be honest and tell you I used a bread-machine for this one. I'll have to try it by hand next time, but this one tasted perfect, anyway, this is just a little taste of a yummy blessing we can enjoy, and a post to solemnly acknowledge one of our most staple diets: bread!

Thursday, 12 April 2012


Blogging about your 'little-sister' seems to be a thing, or maybe that's just me... So it was with sadness that I realised- I don't have a little sister to take pictures of, or write about.
I may however, have the next best thing: a sister who is one minute older than me! Eh? Not many people can say that. She may not be cute and smile with teeth missing, wear bows or pretty dresses or dungarees, but she is pretty amazing. She and I have exactly the same sense of humour for a start, and as a consuquence...we laugh. Alot. It's fairly hilarious sometimes, I seem to remember one moment this holiday revising where we had to go into separate rooms, stick our heads out of windows and scream to get the hysterics fully and completely out of our tickled systems! Yup- It's a blast. But obviously we have arguments... Haha, it sounds a bit like I'm advertising...immagine selling twins on ebay: Yes, their full range is from 'minor tiffs' to full scale war; involving the throwing of pens and, yes get this, the breaking of locks! (the bathroom door has never been the same.) Hah... If I were advertising Gina I'm sure people would think I was selling the angel gabriel or something! Well, not if I told them about the way she has this 'thing' against mayonaise, has to sleep with the blinds open, and always takes the laptop first! But if I was truthful, and divulged how well she can play the guitar, piano, tennis, loves a bit of mischief, is always willing to cook extra gluten free pasta, will never say no to tying my hair in a plait, enjoys making up songs with me, meals, works of creative-genius! I'm sure they'd buy her in a heartbeat. And she is all of those things, and much much more.

Saturday, 7 April 2012


It's big. It's blue. It's changing. It's constant. It's an expanse mankind will never conquer. When you lie beneath it you feel small, you feel swallowed, you're never quite as humble as in that moment. It reminds me of God. It shouts his name.

"The heavens declare the glory of God, the skies show the work of his hands..."
Psalm 19 vs 1