Anyway. Room 101. The room where anything you want can disapear... here's a list of mine:
- Blushes
- Raisins
- Paper-cuts
- Money
- Spots
- Flies
- Sewing Machines that don't work
- Out of tune guitars
- The sound of people chewing
- Sore throats
- Exhaustion but not sleep
- Showers that dribble
- Shoes that break in five days
- Gossiping
- Talking during the climax of a movie.... or maybe even the begining. okay all of it!
- Cold tea
- Bumps (Trypophobia! It's a horrible thing.)

Do you have any rational or irrational fears like these? If so, banish them to room 101! Haha, Gina just read that and said it sounded like some sort of 'self help' thing, ha. This may sound like a list of complaints, or a good old moan- and it's not good to do this as we should celebrate the many blessings God keeps providing, even in the face of our perhaps not-so-good actions. And so, I have invented room 102! (Original I know) A room of celebration, where you would put all the lovely things you enjoy in life, for example...
- Tea
- Guitars and Pianos!
- Friendships
- Pen and paper
- Dogs
- Warmth
- Lasagna
- All the musical genius' out there (Switchfoot, Jenny and Tyler etc... :))
- Education- an underrated priveldge in the western world :( but an amazing chance.
- Cameras
- Carnations
- A good book
- Butterflies

I hate raisins :p Especially in cookies.
ReplyDeleteI would add laughter and children to room 102
ReplyDeleteand sickness, sin and satan to room 101 (Im going with the whole 's' theme!)
sibilliance, I like it! :) x