
Sunday 3 June 2012

"good times"

Here's a little taster of what my 'idea' day would consist of! A little insight into my character that's perhaps more revealing than photos or lyrics or stories... Can you relate to any of these?

- have a real (and I mean REAL) laugh with friends.
-talk to someone unexpected.
-wake up to sunshine!
-Go somewhere I never planned to.
-Pull a practical joke...
- Find and old song and a new song to listen to.
-Do something stereotypically stupid.
- Time to play music, cook, eat, write, walk, talk, create, do something with friends.
- Read under a duvet.
-Sleet for atleast nine hours. Preferably more.
- Rise to a challenge.
- Time alone to collect my thoughts/ read my bible.
- A spontaneous phone call/ text!
- Do something productive.
-Excell at something.
- Keep God at the front of my mind, actions, words and heart.
- Surprise someone.
- Have a good cup of tea. And chocolate.
-Make up a song.
- Chat and laugh with my lovely twin sister.
- Get to the climax of a good book.
- Make plans. (for coming days, weekends, holidays, movie-nights, camps, sleepovers)

What would make yourday a good one??


  1. Amazing. I love this!! I agree with all of these, and would definitely add a cliff top walk with people I love and some ice-cold sea swimming would have to be included for me! :-D Maybe a quick bit of painting too :-) Our days would coincide well I think!

  2. just came across your blog! love it, love it ;)

    My day is going FANTABULOUS right now, actually!! haha A friend of mine gave me a CD that happened to contain one of my favorite songs! And I was rockin' out to it ;) And then a couple other friends made my called e-mailed is fabulous!! :D

    Anyway, just thought I'd say 'hellooo'! Stop by my blog sometime and let me know you visited :)

    Miss Raquel @

  3. A cliff walk definitely sarah! :) And yes Raquel a spontaneous call/text/email is great (I got one the other day!) I'll check out your blog soon :) x
