"This world is where I live, but let it never be called my home."- Jon Foreman. |
Failing is hard. Especially when the standards the world sets around us are so increasingly high and so impossibly big. I feel a bit like a little girl sometimes, straining on tiptoes to scathe a far-reaching ceiling- but it's just too high, and brushing it with your fingertips isn't nearly satisfying enough. But it's true isn't it?
The world. It says this: it's about winning. It's about being the best. It's about having the latest. It's about being the biggest, the coolest, the smartest. If your not at the top then you're nothing at all. It's all about the next prommotion, the higher grade, the A*, the bigger house and the larger part.
It's disguised by well meaning phrases that float around like- "It's the taking part the counts." But honestly, who believes that when there's a shiny gold carrot dangled at the end of the stretch? No....the world wants us to keep straining forward. Where else did the TV come from? The Computer, the Aroplane?
And is this a bad thing? Surely all this technology, this discovery, this thought, lead us to where we are now, to
Well sometimes I think Id prefer a little less 'technology' and a little more 'personhood'.
Sure we've filled our world with gadgets, gizmos and flashing lights, but at what cost? Have we crowded out the really important with the luxuries? Where will Patience go, when we can get what we want at the flick of a switch or the push of a button? Has Love been mistaken for lust, Admiration sacraficed for envy, and is Chivalry really dead, or just lying dormant somewhere beneath an oppressive, selfish heat? It is hot isn't it. The world's heating up.
But my real question is this: As christians, where do we fit?
And my discovered answer is: we don't. We indulge in the modern world sometimes, but essentially... we don't belong here. We live here temporarily to fulfill our God-given plan, to tell others about it, to give them the news that: the hope and purpose we rejoice in can be theirs as well! The news that though we
are all failures (because we are. We can never meet the standards of the world- ever wondered why that is? Perhaps because we're not
meant to? Look at Kate in the picture above, we all shake our hair but she can't because her hair isn't made to. Same principle.) we are considered as precious and perfect through Jesus Christs sacrafice. He died so God could see us without sin. So God could forgive us and take us home to a world where we belong. A world waits that treats the important things with importance, that doesn't forget you, ignore you, put you in a box or oppress you. A world where love is love, truth is truth, yes is yes, God is God.
So let's remember this next time we find ourselves pining after a better hairstyle, brain, or even life: that this world is for us to use to God's purpose, and not our own.
"If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you."
JOHN 15: 18-19